In this year’s Black Friday, the Greek ePharmacy and eGrocery sectors grew by 115% and 27% in sales value respectively, compared to the average online sales value of the preceding three Fridays in November. Total online revenues from these 2 channels in this year’s Black Friday did not exceed those of 2020 when physical stores were shut down due to the country-wide pandemic lockdown.

According to preliminary estimates, the top 5 categories with the higher sales growth in the ePharmacy sector were electric toothbrushes (+209%), anti-aging/anti-wrincle creams (+164%), eye care products (+156%), face cleansing products (+149%), and open diapers (+138%). Additionally, a definite preference towards red wines (+116%), whiskeys (+115%), vodka (+99%), rosé wines (+91%), and white wines (+82%) was detected in the eGrocery sector.
The average ePharmacy order was valued at €44.80 and included 5.1 items (compared to €43.10 to 4.8 items the previous 3 Fridays), while the average order at the online Supermarket was worth €81.50 and contained 36.8 items (compared to € 76.30 to 36.4 items the previous 3 Fridays).
According to our estimations, annual market revenues from eGrocery and ePharmacy will exceed €500M (including VAT) for 2021, excluding purchases for online pet shops, vineyards, specialty e-shops with diapers, coffee capsules, etc.
The above findings are recorded at our AI-based platform, eRetail Audit. An innovative platform, allows Manufacturers and Retailers to have daily access to real-time aggregated data combined with meaningful commercial, marketing & eCommerce insights and monitor their digital shelf strategy.